
movie trailers: Maleficent

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I saw the Maleficent trailer the other night during the Grammys but didn't think anything of it, which is probably because I was so over the show that I was barely still paying attention. However, I do remember it being in the series of commercials after Wiz Khalifa wowed everyone with this super charismatic smile.

Today, I heard Lana Del Rey's version of Once Upon a Dream and vaguely remembered having heard it before. After a little Google action, I was directed to the trailer and actually paid attention this time. The song is so beautiful and creepy that you could basically put it over most video to give the allusion of terror.

I'm not sure if I'll be running to the theater to see the movie, but I'll definitely be listening to this song on repeat.

snowpocalypse: day 2

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In all honesty, I don't know if we even got one inch of snow. Regardless, here I am, laying on my couch, watching House of Cards.

I wonder what the record is for days gone without putting on real pants, because surely I'm about to break it.

snowpocalypse: day 1

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's currently 20 degrees in Baton Rouge and we are experiencing "wintry mix," also know as a mix of sleet and snow. Every thing in the city is shut down, naturally. We are treating this like the end of days. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm never going to complain about a snow day where I can lay on the couch under a down comforter that I've dragged from upstairs and watch Netflix movies that have been piling up in my queue.

If you weren't lucky and have to slave away today, I present to you my favorite "wintry mix" band, WILSEN. Enjoy and stay warm.

music monday: Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons

Monday, January 27, 2014

If you missed the 56th Annual Grammy Awards, don't worry…you didn't miss much. Well, except 8 hours of performances, Pharrell wearing a Smokey the Bear hat, and the presentation of only 3 actual awards. Basically it was one huge advertisement for the record labels.

One of the few shining moments was Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons performing a mashup of Radioactive and M.A.A.D City. This was also the moment when Taylor Swift decided to stand up and show everyone why there is a "white people can't dance" stereotype.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

This Charming Charlie

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A while back I discovered one of the most fantastic places that exists on the inter webs: This Charming Charlie.

Graphic designer, Lauren LoPrete, has combined two unrelated but relevant pop culture icons to create a viral masterpiece. All of the images on the Tumblr blog are adapted from Charles Schulz’s Peanuts comic series and the words are adapted from Smiths lyrics. Seriously. That's real life.

Be careful, it's a slippery addictive slope.

super bowl commercials

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Let's be honest, I pretty much only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and based on my poor Fantasy Football performance this year, it's a good thing. I'm not so up-to-date on my NFL game. Luckily, Bud Light has been releasing a string of commercial teasers and I'm pleased to say that I don't think I'll be disappointed in what they have in store for us.

But I'm so weirded out by Arnold in this wig, I can't even describe it. It's bizarre.

new orleans: Dave Eggers

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

music monday: Beyonce

Monday, January 20, 2014

Because, Beyonce.

But to clarify, no one "just wakes up that way," Bey. No one.

Beyoncé ft. Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche - Flawless... by wonderful-life1989

takeout and champagne

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence & Bradley Cooper

Friday, January 17, 2014

When are Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper going to stop being so beautiful together? Honestly, I hope the answer is never. 

They are starring together (for the third time) in Serena, based on the Ron Rash novel of the same title. I haven't read the book, but I'm definitely going to jump to it before the movie comes out later in the year. This will probably be a mistake, as I'll more than likely leave the theater complaining "that the movie was nothing like the book." 

But, also saying, "God, they are so beautiful."

happy birthday to me

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Well, another year is gone and I'm another year older. 

I don't get freaked out about getting older as much as I freak out about not living my life. I'm nervous that one day I'll wake up and realize I haven't accomplished anything I had planned. Luckily, a quick fix is to just start doing the things I want to do, traveling to the places I want to go, and living the life I want to live without fear of complete failure.

Here's to 26.

new music: St. Vincent

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A few things here:

1) I desperately want to be cool like St. Vincent, nee Annie Clark.

2) She has a self titled album coming out in February (hooray) about which she said, “I wanted to make a party record you could play at a funeral.” Totally makes sense, right?

fancy bathrooms

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This was, quite possibly, one of the coolest bathrooms I've ever encountered. I'm a sucker for old houses in the New Orleans French Quarter, especially if it involves a bathroom with a clawfoot tub.

a playlist: Amanda Palmer performs Radiohead

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

There isn't anything better than listening to Radiohead (especially live). A close second? Amanda Palmer from The Dresden Dolls covering Radiohead on her "magical ukulele." It's a little bit creepy and a lot a bit cool.

I think the best description of a song happens next to track 5 - Creep (Hungover at Soundcheck in Berlin).

Do not be alarmed if I invest in a ukulele soon.

the truth

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ain't that the truth?

music monday: Lana Del Rey

Monday, January 13, 2014

So, I've been watching a lot of Scandal lately. Post-Scandal marathon, I've become a complete conspiracy theorist and obsessed with all things presidential. When combining conspiracy theories and presidents, my mind immediately jumps to JFK (my mind can pretty much tie anything to JFK, because, well…JFK).

Speaking of JFK, one of my favorite videos this year was Lana Del Rey's National Anthem. The video depicts Lana playing a combo of Marilyn/Jackie and, wait for it…A$AP Rocky as JFK, because what's more presidential than gold teeth? It's like they made a bullet point list of all the things I love the most and found a way to combine them in a music video.

Can we also take just a moment here to acknowledge/appreciate how I tied this whole thing together: Scandal >Conspiracy Theories>Presidents>JFK>A$AP Rocky>Lana Del Rey. 

lazy sunday featuring salinger

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sundays are for drinking espresso, laying on the couch, and hanging out with big dogs named Salinger.

happy weekend: Wes Anderson

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Wes Anderson loves slow motion and I love Wes Anderson. Happy weekend.

WES from Alejandro Prullansky on Vimeo.

Frances Ha

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I resisted watching Frances Ha for quite a while. I have no explanation for this other than that someone suggested I watch it and I selfishly wanted to be the person who discovered it and recommended it to people. Regardless, I fell in love with it the moment it began. The story of Frances Halladay, while not entirely relatable, is very endearing.

There wasn't a scene where I didn't feel completely invested in Frances and her weird and interesting New York life. From losing her bestfriend roommate to traveling to Paris alone on a whim for just two days, I was constantly rooting for her to win (whatever that might mean in the specific situation).

I think as a person sparring with my mid-twenties, I can relate to the awkwardness of not being a child or feeling like an adult. At one point Frances laments, "I'm so embarrassed. I'm not a real person yet." I feel ya, sister.

Even in the end, when the film is tied into a somewhat lopsided bow, you feel good about Frances. She's going to make it. She's going to figure out how to be a real person and that should make anyone feel hopeful.

where is he now: Macaulay Culkin

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ever wonder what became of little Kevin McCallister? Well, that sweet little dude who got abandoned at Christmas, not once, but twice, is now all grown up and singing his heart out about…pizza. He is in a Velvet Underground cover band aptly named The Pizza Underground.

Is this real life? I don't know.

music monday: Miles Fisher

Monday, January 6, 2014

You may be asking yourself, "Who is this super hottie?" Well, my friends, this is Miles Fisher. 

He was completely unknown to me until recently when I came across his cover of a Talking Heads song, This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody). I actually went an entire year in college listening to the Talking Heads almost exclusively. So here I am, already completely sold on the guy, and then I pull up the music video for the song.

I immediately realize he looks EXACTLY like Patrick Bateman (aka Christian Bale) from American Psycho. Fittingly, the entire music video is an homage to the movie and I have to give them credit, they did not shy away from the graphic themes depicted in the film.

Aside from this cover, the rest of his catalog, while small, is pretty solid. Enjoy.

Miles Fisher - This Must Be The Place from Miles Fisher on Vimeo.

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