
Frances Ha

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I resisted watching Frances Ha for quite a while. I have no explanation for this other than that someone suggested I watch it and I selfishly wanted to be the person who discovered it and recommended it to people. Regardless, I fell in love with it the moment it began. The story of Frances Halladay, while not entirely relatable, is very endearing.

There wasn't a scene where I didn't feel completely invested in Frances and her weird and interesting New York life. From losing her bestfriend roommate to traveling to Paris alone on a whim for just two days, I was constantly rooting for her to win (whatever that might mean in the specific situation).

I think as a person sparring with my mid-twenties, I can relate to the awkwardness of not being a child or feeling like an adult. At one point Frances laments, "I'm so embarrassed. I'm not a real person yet." I feel ya, sister.

Even in the end, when the film is tied into a somewhat lopsided bow, you feel good about Frances. She's going to make it. She's going to figure out how to be a real person and that should make anyone feel hopeful.

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